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An air purifier can protect your loved ones from the harmful pollutants of wildfire smoke

An air purifier can protect your loved ones from the harmful pollutants of wildfire smoke

Wildfires are growing more intense and frequent across the US and Canada, amplifying the harmful effects of their smoke. Pollutants released by wildfires can travel thousands of miles and affect communities well outside the burn area. Safety is a top priority to us as appliance designers and manufacturers. Our team’s research for The Bloom Air Purifier offered insight into air quality, pollution, and the measures we can all take to keep our families safe in a changing climate. Here, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about the dangers of wildfire smoke, and how exactly an air purifier can ensure you and your loved ones are breathing clean air.

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Composition of wildfire smoke – what’s in it?

Wildfire smoke consists of a complex mixture of fine particles and gasses which vary depending on the duration of the fire and the kind of vegetation burned. The most concerning particles contained in wildfire smoke are PM2.5, a term for those measuring less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. These are the particles capable of crossing from the lungs into the bloodstream. Several studies have reported rising concentrations of PM2.5 particles across the US and Canada in the recent decade. The good news is that HEPA filtration can mitigate PM2.5 particles. We'll discuss this shortly.


Immediate and long term health risks

Exposure to wildfire smoke can cause several serious short and long term health concerns. Short-term complications include wheezing, coughing, and trouble breathing. They also include reduced lung function, bronchitis, and added risk of asthma attacks. The cardiovascular effects in particular are the most concerning long term. Prolonged exposure to PM2.5 particles can seriously increase your risk of heart attacks and cancer. Children and pregnant women are at the most risk. This is due to children’s small lungs and the potential for smoke to cause birth defects.


How does wildfire smoke get inside?

Even if we do our best to keep windows and doors shut tight during wildfire season, harmful particles can make their way inside. Tiny particles have two secondary means of access to our homes: mechanical ventilation and infiltration. Mechanical ventilation refers to particles entering through devices like kitchen and bathroom fans, air conditioning units, or heating systems. Infiltration occurs when particles make their way through tiny openings around our windows, doors, and other household surfaces. Since this means that housing design isn’t adequate for keeping particles out, your best line of defense is an air purifier. 

The best air purifier for wildfire smoke

We’re biased towards the award-winning Bloom™ Air Purifier. But we have good reason to be! When selecting an air purifier, the filter is the priority. Air purifiers with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are the most efficient way to remove airborne smoke particles from your space. The interlocking fibers of HEPA filters work to trap pollutants as tiny as 0.3 microns in size. Not only does the Bloom™ Air Purifier contain a HEPA filter, it also features smart AutoDetect™ technology that uses infrared particle sensing to continuously monitor the air quality of your space. Remember, fine particles from wildfires can travel thousands of miles, and may be virtually impossible to detect by the time they make their way into your home. The combination of Bloom™’s automatic sensor and hospital-grade carbon filter work to effectively remove 99.97% of airborne pollutants in spaces up to 1,517 square feet. With Bloom™, you can rest easy knowing that you and your family are breathing clean air.


Preventative measures and best practices

An air purifier with a HEPA filter is your #1 line of defense against harmful smoke particles and pollutants. In addition, there are steps you can take to seal your home in order to limit the amount of smoke that enters through mechanical ventilation or infiltration. First and foremost, those in close proximity to wildfires should keep their windows and doors closed at all times. Set your HVAC system to “recirculate mode”, or close the outdoor intake damper. For window air conditioners, be sure to seal the unit tightly against the window, and close the outdoor air damper. To avoid further damaging indoor air quality, we recommend you abstain from spraying aerosol products, frying or broiling food in oil, or smoking cigarettes. 

Bloom™ Air Purifier

A powerful air purifier with a unique, customizable design that blends in with your decor. Grow your favorite plant, or make it an accent table with storage.
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