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30 días de devoluciones gratuitas
Servicio al Cliente de Primera Categoría
Envío rápido y gratuito
30 días de devoluciones gratuitas
Servicio al Cliente de Primera Categoría
Envío rápido y gratuito
30 días de devoluciones gratuitas
Servicio al Cliente de Primera Categoría

How to Clean Surface Rust From Concrete with a Steam Cleaner

How to remove surface rust stains - This is how the Dupray ONE™ steam cleaner can remove surface rust stains from concrete and other hard surfaces. Visit https://dupray.com/es-mx/products/one-steam-cleaner/ to learn how steam- combined with the scrubbing action from the steam cleaning accessories- can make light rust stains disappear from almost any material. The Dupray ONE™ is a professional-grade steam cleaner that produces low-moisture steam to help clean tools, machinery, engines and much more.


Utilizado en este video

Limpiador de vapor ONE™