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Schnelle und kostenlose Lieferung
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Erstklassiger Kundenservice
The surprising truth about healthy cleaning

The surprising truth about healthy cleaning

Spring is here, and millions of people around the world are deep cleaning their homes to greet it. What does that look like for you? For many of us — particularly since the pandemic — it means using harsh chemicals to disinfect and sanitize our spaces. As environmental health professor Dr. Amina Saramova puts it: “Since Covid, a lot of people are using a lot of products.” Here, we'd like to propose an alternative.

Cleaning products

The harmful chemicals in our everyday products

Unlike cosmetics and personal care products, manufacturers of cleaning chemicals are not obligated to list all of their ingredients on the label. When the Environmental Workers Group set out to assess over 2,000 cleaning products for toxic chemicals, the researchers were alarmed by how difficult it was to identify them. Even so, we know the most commonly included chemicals:

  • Ammonia: Found in multi-purpose cleaners, polishes, and glass cleaners. It’s known to irritate the respiratory system, eyes, and skin.

  • Bleach: Found in toilet bowl cleaners, disinfectants, and whitening agents. Can cause skin burns, eye damage, and severe respiratory issues.

  • Phthalates: Found in fragrance products like scented cleaners, detergents, and air fresheners.

  • Triclosan: Present in antibacterial soaps and disinfectants. Known endocrine disruptor.

  • Perchloroethylene (PERC): Common in spot removers and carpet cleaners. 

These chemicals aren’t just bad for the health of our household – they also impact the environment when dumped in our water systems.

The combination of clean air, natural elements, and a serene atmosphere creates a refreshing and tranquil environment.

Are all of these chemicals necessary for a clean home?

In short, not as much as you may think. Orianne Dumas, a respiratory epidemiologist at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research, recommends a more holistic approach towards disinfection. “We do need to disinfect, but not every day, and maybe not even every week.”‎ Contrary to popular belief, challenging textures like oil or grease don't need harsh chemicals to be dissolved. There are actually a number of ways to clean tough grease stains with non-toxic, everyday household ingredients like baking soda, flour, salt, and dish soap. Familiarizing yourself with these ideas and techniques can be hugely beneficial for your health. In addition to less frequent use of harsh chemicals, try to keep your use of disinfectants to high-use areas like door knobs and faucets. Always wear gloves when using products containing the chemicals we listed above, and, if possible, open the windows and doors of the room you’re cleaning in to encourage clean air flow. Another excellent way to improve air quality is through an air purifier. We're, of course, partial to the award-winning Bloom™.

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From deep cleaning to healthy cleaning

Healthy cleaning is cleaning that doesn’t negatively impact our health or the health of the environment. It centers non-toxic chemicals and simple ingredients like dish soap and water, and aims to mitigate the common use of harmful chemicals. Remember: wellness isn't limited to diet and exercise — it extends to every part of our lives, including what we're exposing to our skin and lungs. We've established that baking soda, dish soap, and even salt can be excellent forces against the evils of grease. But what if we told you that the most powerful of all was...water?

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The power of steam

Well, not just any water. In its regular state, water is polar, and grease is non-polar, so they repel each other instead of mixing. But when water is transformed into superheated steam by residential steam cleaners like the Neat™ and Neat Plus™, it breaks down the grease's structure to make it more fluid, and allows the water molecules to penetrate and disrupt more efficiently. The tiny droplets can also emulsify grease, which allows for it to be lifted and wiped away without any chemicals. Neat. 🤓 ‎ Steam is an incredibly effective tool for removing grime, grease and residue from common household surfaces. If you’ll be cleaning your windows this spring, you don’t have to reach for a product that contains ammonia. The Neat line of steam cleaners are equipped with specialized attachments that do away with streaks, residue, and having to use extra products like paper towels. It's a win-win for your house, your budget, and your health.


The best things to clean with superheated steam

  • Ovens and barbecues: The kingdoms of grease and grime. Apply your Neat™' Steam Cleaner's extension tool, brass brush, and do away with any residue.

  • Grout lines, baseboards, and ceiling fans: Hard to reach? Easy to clean. Neat™'s super-convenient attachments combined with extreme steam pressure make short work of stubborn, caked-on grime, wherever it may be.

  • Upholstery and furniture: Dislodge and remove unpleasant odours from pets (and life in general). Simply apply the triangle attachment, your cloth of choice, and refresh your couches, chairs, carpets, and more.

  • Kitchen surfaces and floors: Spot a spill from last week that can't be wiped away? Give superheated steam a shot; you won't believe how quickly it works.

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