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Schnelle und kostenlose Lieferung
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Erstklassiger Kundenservice
Schnelle und kostenlose Lieferung
30 Tage kostenlose Rückgabe
Erstklassiger Kundenservice
Schnelle und kostenlose Lieferung
30 Tage kostenlose Rückgabe
Erstklassiger Kundenservice

Dupray HOME™ vs. Traditional Steam Mop

Does your traditional steam mop get the cleaning job done? Probably not. Visit to learn more about how the Dupray HOME™ outperforms every other steam mop. With up to five times more steam output, watch how the Dupray HOME™ steam cleaner outcompetes a standard steam mob during a cleaning comparison test. The HOME™ is the best steam cleaner on the market to clean floors, regardless of whether the surface is hardwood, tile, ceramic, vinyl, linoleum, carpet or cork! Superheated low-moisture steam, attached to a rectangular floor accessory, allows every floor to shine like new. The HOME™ has never met a challenge that it could not handle.


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HOME™ Dampfreiniger