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Dupray Tosca Steam Cleaner Review WARNING: May Cause a Cleaning Addiction!!!

In this Dupray review, we take a look at the Dupray Tosca steam cleaner model. The Dupray is a powerful machine that can clean everything from grout to floors, stoves and ovens.

After you steam a surface you need to wipe it to remove the dirt or grime left. For that we highly recommend Norwex. We've tried eCloths and other brands or even a stack of cheap clothes but Norwex performs the best and are worth the extra money. The Dupray is a workhorse that can make your whole life cleaner - but it does come with a price tag! In the next video we'll compare it to a handheld steam cleaner that costs a lot less. Thanks for watching our Tosca steam cleaner review. Watch our other videos in the series to see the Dupray at work at home cleaning an oven, car and more! What is the best steam cleaner? The Tosca is!! Check out our other steam cleaner reviews too. Thanks for watching!


Used in this video

TOSCA™ Steam Cleaner